Zelensky Offers Peace Talks Tomorrow Pending Russian Withdrawal from Ukraine

Zelensky Offers Peace Talks Tomorrow Pending Russian Withdrawal from Ukraine

At a peace meeting in Switzerland, Volodymyr Zelensky stated that if Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, then peace talks would take place “tomorrow.”

The goal of the two-day summit, which concluded on Sunday with dozens of nations pledging support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, was to expedite efforts to put an end to the conflict there.

It occurs as three civilians were slain by Russian military during an operation in the Donetsk region, and some are accusing Vladimir Putin of “seducing the West.”

The chief of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin, stated on Telegram that three Ulakly citizens had been murdered and five others injured by Russian soldiers.

He continued: “Total number of victims of Russia in Donetsk oblast doesn’t include killed and injured in Mariupol and Volnovakha. #StopRussia #RussiaKillsCivilians.”

According to war specialists, Mr. Putin’s alleged interest in peace talks is nothing more than a phony ploy to “seduce” the West.

“Just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention, reverse the cause and effect of the Ukrainian crisis [and] set the discussion on the wrong track,” was how Russian President Vladimir Putin derided the conference.

China, the nation’s principal ally, opted not to participate, ensuring that Ukraine’s objective of convincing significant nations from the “global South” to assist in isolating Russia would not be fulfilled at the summit.

The two-day conference drew 90 countries, but the organizers were unable to convince significant non-aligned states to sign onto their final statement, and no nation offered to host a follow-up meeting.

Still, Kyiv used the conference as an opportunity to demonstrate the backing of its Western allies, which it claims is necessary to continue the battle against a much more formidable foe.

“We are responding to Russia‘s full-scale invasion of Ukraine not only with a full-scale defence of human life, but also with full-scale diplomacy,” Mr Zelensky stated.

Presidents and prime ministers from Argentina, Ecuador, Kenya, Somalia, Japan, Japan, Poland, and France were present at the occasion. The United States was represented by Vice President Kamala Harris, while the Vatican was also represented.

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Represented by foreign ministers or lower-level envoys, the United Arab Emirates, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, and South Africa were among the nations that declined to sign the final agreement, which addressed nuclear safety, food security, and prisoner exchange. Brazil was supposed to be a “observer,” but Turkey signed up.

The president of the executive Commission of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, stated that the meeting was appropriately named “Path to Peace” because achieving peace will not happen in a single step.

“It was not a peace negotiation because Putin is not serious about ending the war. He is insisting on capitulation. He is insisting on ceding Ukrainian territory – even territory that today is not occupied by him,” she stated.

“He is insisting on disarming Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. No country would ever accept these outrageous terms.”

The final statement from the meeting demanded the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia and its ports on the Azov Sea.

However, in keeping with the conference’s more modestly stated objectives, it avoided discussing more difficult topics, such as how a post-war settlement for Ukraine might be structured, whether or not Ukraine might join NATO, and the logistics of army withdrawals from both sides.


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