The Thief Story – California Jewelry Store Overrun by Smash-and-Grab Thieves in Shocking Video

The Thief Story - California Jewelry Store Overrun by Smash-and-Grab Thieves in Shocking Video

Five suspects in a startling smash-and-grab robbery at a jewelry store in California that was captured on camera have been taken into custody by Sunnyvale Police.

On Wednesday, June 12, just before 1:30 p.m., members of the Sunnyvale Police Department responded to PNG Jewelers USA in response to a report of an ongoing burglary.

An estimated twenty perpetrators, according to the police, broke into the jewelry boxes using hammers and other tools. Take everything within and bolt from the shop.

Officers found the cars of two of the suspects as they ran from the store, but they both took off running and led the police on a chase.

The Thief Story - California Jewelry Store Overrun by Smash-and-Grab Thieves in Shocking Video

According to the authorities, one car fled. Although the other was located, authorities claim that during the pursuit, the suspects threw the pilfered valuables out of the vehicle.


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Five suspects got out of the automobile and crossed a freeway on foot. All five were found and taken into custody by the officers.

Tonga Latu, Tavake Esafe, Ofa Ahomana, Kilifi Leaaetoa, and Afuhia Lavakeiaho were the suspects that the police had identified.

The five individuals in question were charged with armed robbery, felony vehicle evasion, resisting arrest, burglary, conspiracy to conduct a crime, vandalism, possession of burglary equipment, and having outstanding warrants when they were booked into Santa Clara County Jail.

Police were able to retrieve some of the pilfered jewelry.

As of right moment, the entire worth of the stolen goods is unknown.

According to the police, no victims were hurt during the heist.

Additionally, investigators are attempting to ascertain whether this heist is connected to the May heist at another Sunnyvale jewelry store. There were also several suspects involved.

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