Arizona Health Department Considering to Revoke Nurse’s License After Fatal Home Birth Incident

Arizona Health Department Considering to Revoke Nurse's License After Fatal Home Birth Incident

A nurse in Arizona will have her license revoked due to the tragic loss of life experienced by a mother and her infant during a delivery in Safford.

In preparation for a December home delivery, she was their primary caregiver.

Several records from years ago show that this nurse had a history of problems, which Arizona’s family discovered.

The bereaved man asserts that he suffered a whole loss due to their faith in an individual whose license ought to have been revoked long ago.

“She was the one I missed all along.” Terry, who was inconsolable, remarked, “She ought to be here.” I think she should bring her children here and spend time with me.

Terry and his expanding family were supposed to be celebrating Christmas last year when tragic circumstances occurred. Due to complications during the home birth of their son Mack in December, he tragically lost both his wife Jordan and the infant boy in a matter of hours.

Terry informed Sarah about the woman’s gradual loss of facial pigmentation. She made it seem like she didn’t care and claimed to be alright. “When she passed out, I was clearly terrified, but Sarah calmly reassured me, ‘It’s OK.'” The first effects of the shock are beginning to fade.

He allegedly took her to the emergency room in a hurry, according to Terry. Afterwards, Jordan was transported to an alternative medical facility by aircraft. Stillborn Mack was born to her, but she did not survive.

He accuses Sarah Kankiewicz, a licensed midwife, of being at fault. According to Terry, his wife yearned for assistance in her final coherent remarks.
The 28-year-old Safford emergency room nurse was named Jordan.

She gave birth to three of her children in medical facilities. She underwent a cesarean section during her initial pregnancy. She underwent a VBAC the subsequent time.

According to Terry, one of the main reasons she decided to become a nurse was so that she could assist her future patients more effectively during home births.

When Jordan and Mack stopped breathing, word got out about what Kankiewicz did to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Records show that she received five citations for failing to promptly call 911 upon noticing that Jordan’s lips had become white, for failing to maintain proper hygiene, and for failing to adequately monitor vital signs or dilation. This is based on Jordan’s medical history.

Afterward, she received a notice from ADHS threatening to revoke her license.

Problems in Kankiewicz’s care have been previously discovered by the authorities. The reason Heather Flowers decided to file a report is because four years ago, Kankiewicz was the midwife who assisted Heather with a difficult delivery.

Her vital signs were not monitored frequently enough, Kankiewicz performed tasks outside of her training, and she downplayed the severity of her injuries.

Kankiewicz has held a license since 2020, although she has been punished five times by ADHS for late paperwork submissions. The maximum penalty for a repeat offender may be several thousand dollars, but it could be significantly reduced if they pay it off soon.

According to the November report, Kankiewicz kept treating a mother despite her high blood pressure diagnosis. Due to this, in January ADHS submitted a notice of intent to suspend her license.

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