A 21st Century News! Men Convicted in 1978 Murder of Cincinnati Police Officer Denied Parole

A 21st Century News! Men Convicted in 1978 Murder of Cincinnati Police Officer Denied Parole

Cincinnati, USA —

The Hamilton County prosecutor revealed on Wednesday that the Ohio Parole Board has rejected the parole requests of two individuals who were found guilty of killing a Cincinnati police officer in 1978.

For the previous 46 years, Russell Bell, 71, and Wayne Reed, 72, have been incarcerated in connection with the death of Officer Charles Burdsall.

Investigators said the two guys were noticed by an off-duty officer who reported what seemed to be an attempted robbery at a convenience store on the junction of Dixmyth and McMicken Avenue.

When he arrived, Burdsall was on patrol in the vicinity and subsequently carried out a traffic stop. Burdall was shot twice in the back and once in the face by Reed, who produced a revolver as Burdall got closer to the car.


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Following their detention, the two men were accused of attempted and aggravated murder. The Ohio Supreme Court overturned Bell and Reed’s death sentence, changing it to life in prison with the chance of release.

Now, almost fifty years following the shooting, their pleas for parole release have been turned down by the parole board. There won’t be any more hearings for Reed or Bell until 2029.

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