Upcoming! North Korea’s Military Grows as 250 New Missiles Are Added to Arsenal

Upcoming! North Korea's Military Grows as 250 New Missiles Are Added to Arsenal


The North Korean military has just acquired 250 missiles, a significant increase in their arsenal and a response to what they see as American aggression.

At a ceremony when North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly advocated for an endless growth of his country’s nuclear program, 250 missile launchers capable of delivering nuclear weapons were handed over to frontline military troops.

According to Sun Star, North Korea’s border with South Korea is a potential site for nuclear weapons deployment, and Kim has given his military the green light to launch nuclear strikes before they even consider a threat to their leadership. These actions have heightened international concerns about Kim’s nuclear program.

Upcoming! North Korea's Military Grows as 250 New Missiles Are Added to Arsenal

Launchers made by North Korea’s munitions factories and intended to fire “tactical” ballistic missiles—a word for systems that can carry lower-yield nuclear weapons—were reported by the country’s official Korean Central News Agency.

South Korea’s frontline military units would have “overwhelming” firepower capabilities thanks to the new missile launchers shown at a recent event in Pyongyang, according to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

North Korea’s tactical nuclear weapons will be easier and more efficient to operate, according to Kim.


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Some North Korean short-range weapon systems have recently been added to their arsenal.

These will target South Korea’s missile defense systems and attempt to penetrate them. Concurrently, North Korea is keeping up its development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that can reach the mainland of the United States.

More and more, people believe that Kim Jong-un is trying to get the US to recognize North Korea as a nuclear power and relax restrictions related to its nuclear program by threatening and testing more and more weapons.

North Korea may be aiming to escalate tensions in the United States during an election year, according to experts.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has provided Kim with a diversion that he has been utilizing to speed up the development of his country’s weaponry.

In reaction, the US, South Korea, and Japan have been stepping up their nuclear deterrence efforts and increasing the frequency and scope of their joint military exercises, drawing on cutting-edge US military hardware.

In response to North Korea’s recent missile launcher unveiling, a representative from the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the United States and South Korean armies are closely monitoring the country’s weapon development.

The missile systems displayed, however, will require additional monitoring to verify their operational readiness, according to their statement.

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