Three Pennsylvania Cities Make List of Most Rodent-Infested in America

Three Pennsylvania Cities Make List of Most Rodent-Infested in America


Are you a resident of a city that ranks high in rodent infestation in the United States? Perhaps a more appropriate inquiry would be: Do you frequently come across rodents like rats and mice while strolling through the city’s historic sites and landmarks?

You might be a resident in one of the most rodent-infested cities in America if you answered “yes” to either of those questions.

Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg are the three most rodent-infested cities in Pennsylvania, according to a report compiled by Terminix. Actually, out of all the cities in the nation, Philadelphia has the fourth-highest rodent infestation.

New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. make up the remaining cities on the list.

What Terminex had to say regarding where they got the information to find out which American cities had the highest rodent populations is as follows:

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Sanitation standards, availability of food scraps, and favorable environments are typical variables that identify which cities have the highest concentrations of rats and mice.

Considering the widespread damage these rodents can do to buildings and the danger they pose to public health, you might be asking, “Which city has the highest concentration of rats or mice?”

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