The True Vermonter Test: 18 Signs You Belong in Vermont

The True Vermonter Test: 18 Signs You Belong in Vermont


Vermont might be small, but it’s got a personality as big as its mountains. From fiercely defending local maple syrup to navigating mud season like a pro, being a Vermonter means embracing nature, community, and some very cold winters.

Let’s see how many of these 18 signs show you’ve earned your Green Mountains cred.

You can tell the difference between “real” maple syrup and the fake stuff in one taste

And if it’s not Vermont-made, it’s not making it to your table.

You’ve experienced mud season and know exactly how to drive through it

Springtime isn’t just about flowers; it’s about carefully navigating those rural dirt roads without getting stuck.

You’ve got flannel in every color

It’s practical, it’s stylish, and it’s the unofficial state uniform.

You’ve spent more time at a farmers’ market than you do at a grocery store

Fresh, local produce is the name of the game, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

You know the meaning of “Frost Heaves”

And you’ve learned to brace yourself for the bump when the road signs warn you.

You’ve made at least one pilgrimage to Ben & Jerry’s

The True Vermonter Test: 18 Signs You Belong in Vermont

The factory tour is practically a rite of passage, and you’ve definitely had a cone in their scoop shop.

You’ve participated in a heated “snow vs. no snow tires” debate

Winter driving is no joke, and you’ve got strong opinions about the best way to survive those snowy roads.

You’ve tapped your own maple trees or at least know someone who has

Making your own syrup? That’s about as Vermont as it gets.

You can name every local craft brewery in a 50-mile radius

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With so many options, you’ve got your go-to brewery, and you’re ready to defend it.

You’ve said “We need the tourists” while secretly hoping they don’t clog the ski slopes

You appreciate the boost to the economy but wish they wouldn’t all show up at once.

You know that “the city” means Burlington

It’s not exactly Manhattan, but it’s the center of Vermont life, and you love its quirky charm.

You’ve gone leaf peeping in the fall and don’t care if it makes you sound like a tourist

Vermont’s autumn colors are legendary, and you’re not going to miss out on those breathtaking views.

You’ve argued about the best way to prepare cheese curd

It’s cheddar, it’s fresh, and it’s serious business.

You’ve waited for the first snow with a mix of excitement and dread

You love the beauty of Vermont winters, but shoveling? Not so much.

You know the exact distance to the nearest co-op

Because supporting local isn’t just a trend—it’s a lifestyle.

You’ve had to explain why you don’t live in Canada despite being so close

You’ve heard all the jokes, but yes, Vermont is still part of the U.S.

You’ve experienced a town meeting that lasted way too long

Vermont’s love of direct democracy is admirable, but sometimes those debates go on… and on.

You’ve considered getting a Subaru just because it feels like a Vermont requirement

Practical, reliable, and perfect for snow-covered roads. What’s not to love?

If you’re nodding along, congratulations—you’re a true Vermonter! From your love of local maple syrup to your expertise in winter driving, you’ve embraced everything that makes life in the Green Mountain State special. So grab a flannel, pour some maple syrup on your pancakes, and enjoy all the beauty and charm that comes with living in Vermont!

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