Seattle’s Weekend Traffic Trouble: Rain Delays SR 167 Closure, Drivers Face Disruptions

Seattle's Weekend Traffic Trouble Rain Delays SR 167 Closure, Drivers Face Disruptions


Seattle, WASHINGTON – Three major road closures were supposed to cause huge traffic jams in the Seattle area this past weekend, but rain is in the forecast, so authorities have decided to delay closing southbound SR 167.

A post on Wednesday by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) stated that the closure of southbound SR 167 between SR 516/Willis St/Kent Des Moines Rd (MP 20) and S 277th St (MP 18) may be postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the closure will now begin at a later date than initially planned (this Friday, Aug. 23).

This postponement aside, WSDOT is still cautioning drivers to be ready for “trouble” on Seattle roadways this weekend due to the two other significant closures that are still scheduled to occur. Northbound I-405 and State Route 520 will be closed for 54 hours in a row beginning on Friday night.

Seattle's Weekend Traffic Trouble Rain Delays SR 167 Closure, Drivers Face Disruptions

The SR 520 Montlake Project and the I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project are two active projects that are causing the closures. If you want to escape major traffic jams, WSDOT says you need to prepare ahead and draw out other routes.


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North Cascades Highway in Washington State is still closed due to mud and boulders (slideshow).
The North Cascades Highway in Washington state is still closed due to mud and boulders from the previous storm.

Road crews are still fighting through huge amounts of debris, thus the route is closed between the Granite Creek and Easy Pass trailheads (mileposts 148–157).

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There may still be some difficulties with traffic this weekend in the Seattle region, so WSDOT is advising drivers to stay tuned for updates and make plans ahead of time.

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