Rate Hike Hits Entergy Louisiana Customers, Promised Fee Reductions Fall Short

Rate Hike Hits Entergy Louisiana Customers, Promised Fee Reductions Fall Short


New Orleans — Electricity bills for Entergy Louisiana customers will go up in a little over two weeks.

Rates will increase by nearly 2%, according to the Public Service Commission, meaning that people in 58 parishes will have to pay an extra $4 per month.

A lot of people in the area are worried about when the hike will happen, like Dwight Myzette of Jefferson Parish.

Things are already quite pricey. Life is tough for most people right now. “So, I don’t think it is fair,” Myzette stated on any rise.

The amount is excessive, regardless of its size, according to Danielle Gonzales.

Rate Hike Hits Entergy Louisiana Customers, Promised Fee Reductions Fall Short

Two settlements were granted by the Public Service Commission, which led to the rate hike. A variety of client benefits can be increased and introduced thanks to these partnerships.

The settlement, according to Entergy, will extend eligibility for low-income senior bill discounts, decrease late costs, and eliminate connection and reconnection fees.


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Davante Lewis, the commissioner of public services, admitted that the rate hike was unpopular and expressed his displeasure with his vote for it. All the other customer benefits put Entergy on the road to meeting all of our customer’s demands, so I voted for it.

The authorized rate framework also limits profit margins and binds the corporation to stringent dependability goals, as pointed out by Entergy in an official statement.

We received credits valued at 260 million dollars. According to Lewis, “We ended a lot of litigation.” The lawsuits were against Entergy, who the plaintiffs said were engaging in tax evasion and operating plants that were losing money.

The $1.9 billion resilience plan passed by Entergy earlier this year will be overseen by an independent monitor, according to approval from the Public Service Commission. This will ensure accountability.

Entergy has set up an online “bill tool kit” to help clients who are having trouble keeping up with their payments.

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