Former Student of Ohio University Gets Prison for Embezzling $180,000 from Fraternity

Former Student of Ohio University Gets Prison for Embezzling $180,000 from Fraternity

Athens, Ohio –

A former student at Ohio University will serve a five-year jail term for fraud and theft.

Former Oklahoma University student Matthew Streeter, 29, has pled guilty to two third-degree felonies—aggravated theft and telecommunications fraud—according to the Athens County Prosecutor’s Office.

According to court records, Streeter, who was a former member and volunteer treasurer for the Delta Upsilon Fraternity Alumni Housing Corporation, embezzled funds from the organization for his personal use between July 9, 2018, and November 4, 2022.

Former Student of Ohio University Gets Prison for Embezzling $180,000 from Fraternity

According to the prosecutor’s office, Streeter engaged in 182 unlawful transactions throughout four years.


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It was determined that a total of $179,863.95 had been stolen.

Streeter requested a term of community control from the court as he was facing a possible six-year prison sentence. A court handed down a five-year prison term and a restitution order for the entire amount of money that was taken.

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