Exposed: Army National Guard Member’s Connection to Neo-Nazi Club and White Supremacist Ideology in Arizona

Exposed: Army National Guard Member's Connection to Neo-Nazi Club and White Supremacist Ideology

A woman who serves in the Army National Guard and also works as a part-time band instructor at Mountain Ridge High School has recently been exposed for her connection to the local neo-Nazi and white nationalist community.

Left Coast Right Watch was the first to report on Ashley Drago’s marriage to David Ryan Drake, who was convicted of manslaughter in 2007 for a racially motivated stabbing. Upon his release from prison, he faced challenges in securing employment due to the association of his name with his past neo-Nazi beliefs. Consequently, he decided to legally change his name to Aleksander Drago.

The Dragos are reportedly connected to a local group with extremist ideologies, which is part of a wider network of organizations targeting young men for recruitment. These groups have targeted and discriminated against the LGBTQ+ community while also promoting antisemitism.

Ashley Drago did not provide any response despite multiple requests for comment.

An examination of the popular club that the duo is said to be associated with reveals posts that make clear references to fascism and endorsements of well-known white nationalist groups.

Ashley Drago is a dedicated member of the Arizona Army National Guard, showcasing her musical talent as a saxophonist for the esteemed 108th Army Band. Her contributions have been recognized through captivating Instagram photos shared by the Army. The band was scheduled to perform for Gov. Katie Hobbs earlier this week at a Memorial Day service. The Governor’s Office chose not to provide any comments regarding her involvement in the service.

Despite being aware of Drago’s neo-Nazi ties prior to the event, Hobbs’ office promptly shared this information with National Guard leaders, who are currently conducting an investigation into Drago.

“Governor Hobbs expresses strong disapproval of hate and extremism and views this report as a matter of great importance,” stated Christian Slater, a spokesperson for Hobbs, in an email. There is no room for extremism in the military. Upon learning of the National Guard member’s alleged beliefs, the Governor’s Office promptly informed the state’s National Guard to initiate a comprehensive investigation following established protocols and guidelines.

Drago has been a part-time music instructor at Mountain Ridge High School in Glendale for two years. However, the Deer Valley Unified School District has announced that she will no longer be teaching at the school.

Ashley Krogstad and Aleksander Drago tied the knot in May 2021 in a ceremony that was officiated by an organizer associated with a particular group, as reported by LCRW. Several individuals from the SPLC designated hate group were also in attendance.

Archived photos from LCRW reveal Aleksander Drago wearing a shirt that bears the acronym “RWDS,” which stands for “Right Wing Death Squad.”

In 2006, he attended a party in Cave Creek wearing controversial attire, and used a weapon to fatally injure 18-year-old David Michael Scarano after Scarano made fun of the individual’s outfit.

Scarano, who came from a diverse background, was not carrying any weapons. A 911 dispatcher overheard Drago using offensive language towards Scarano prior to his tragic demise.

During his time in prison, Drago made contact with the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization that he claimed to represent. In a recorded jail call, he expressed his lack of remorse for Scarano and even requested a new uniform from the organization, as revealed in documents obtained by LCRW.

Following his release, it seems that Drago maintained connections with various far-right extremist groups, including Skinheads and prominent neo-Nazi organizations. According to LCRW, Drago has also been involved in a local Arizona active club that organized meetups with controversial themes.

Ashley Drago is linked to a Telegram account connected to the Arizona active club, which promotes “TradWife” beliefs. The TradWife Movement promotes ideals of the 1950s housewife, but is associated with beliefs rooted in white supremacist ideology.

LCRW discovered that she appears in several posts made by the account.

The account has been associated with extremist ideologies, including white nationalism and antisemitism, as evidenced by its use of symbols commonly used by neo-Nazis and the presence of hateful comments.

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