Excited News! Cheerleaders from Gatesville High School Launch Season with UCA Camp Experience

Excited News! Cheerleaders from Gatesville High School Launch Season with UCA Camp Experience


The cheer squad from Gatesville High School was in Galveston not long ago for the UCA training.

Director Amber Colson of Cheer stated, “We started at 5:45 a.m. on Monday and didn’t stop until 11 a.m. on Thursday.”. “Despite everything that came their way, they overcame it and developed a stronger bond, stronger teamwork, and stronger leadership.”

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the varsity and junior varsity teams were able to spread Hornet spirit all across camp and win a variety of honors.

In addition to taking home awards for their assessment cheer, evaluation sideline chant, and evaluation camp routine, the varsity squad also won the Small Varsity Spirit Championship. At the end of the three days of camp, they each got a spirit stick, and mascot Kari Dudik got one every day.

Excited News! Cheerleaders from Gatesville High School Launch Season with UCA Camp Experience

The “Pin it Forward Leadership Award” was bestowed upon Captain Tiffany Kollman and Buzz the Hornet Kari Dudik by the UCA. Cheerleaders and mascots that demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities both during and after practices are presented with the award.


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Katie Hopson, Madison Heimbuck, Brilee Ford, Paisley Wells, Kynlee Mangum, Jahaziel Martinez, and Kari Dudik are seven of the Lady Hornets who were named All-Americans.

In addition, Dudik was successful in getting the Mascot Leadership Award, the camp’s highest honor for a mascot. Because of her outstanding leadership abilities, she was selected from among all of the camp’s mascots.

The junior varsity spirit squad took fourth place at the championship game.

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Ribbons for an evaluation cheer, an evaluation sideline chant, and an evaluation camp routine were also given to the females.

Every day at camp, the Lady Hornets were awarded a spirit stick to symbolize their genuine passion and spirit.

According to Colson, “I am proud of what they accomplished this week” due to the group’s hard effort.

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