California Officials Boost Law Enforcement Patrols for Safe Labor Day Travel

California Officials Boost Law Enforcement Patrols for Safe Labor Day Travel

(California), USA —

There will soon be another holiday in California, so police are taking extra steps to ensure that drivers stay safe.

Traffic on the roadways is likely to be heavy throughout the Labor Day break. Added police presence on the roads and highways is a natural response to the anticipated surge of traffic.

Elk Grove Police Department has already sent more officers out to search for drunk drivers, and the California Highway Patrol will observe their Maximum Enforcement Period.

Police are issuing a strong warning to motorists to avoid driving while intoxicated or preoccupied.

The fact that people are looking at their phones more—trying to read, send, or otherwise multitask—is directly contributing to the rise in both the frequency and severity of accidents. Caltrans spokeswoman Officer Ruben Jones stated, “We just want to tell them, ‘Put it down.'” This message was delivered over the holiday weekend.

California Officials Boost Law Enforcement Patrols for Safe Labor Day Travel

Authorities from the California Highway Patrol say that three cars were involved in a chain reaction after a pickup truck crashed into one of them. Three of those cars caught fire. Because the driver was unaware of the impending traffic jam, the CHP has stated that they do not suspect drunk driving.


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In anticipation of the Labor Day weekend, the CHP Valley Division has issued a warning about the potential for enhanced traffic and road congestion. Everyone on the road will be on high alert during the California Highway Patrol‘s statewide Maximum Enforcement Period when the agency will deploy all of its enforcement resources to crack down on drunk drivers and speeders. Apprehending someone who is intoxicated could lead to your arrest.

Along with the Office of Traffic Safety, Elk Grove police have already begun their yearly campaign.

The Elk Grove Police Department‘s Sgt. Jason Jimenez announced that, for the next two weeks, additional officers will be on patrol just to search for drivers who are intoxicated. The ultimate objective is to ensure the safety of everyone.

A DUI checkpoint in Elk Grove will be held this Friday by the agency. “There’s no excuse for anyone to drive impaired,” according to him.

Those who intend to drink should arrange for a sober driver or use a rideshare, according to Sgt. Jimenez.

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