Are You Really From Washington? 18 Tell-Tale Signs of a True Washingtonian

18 Signs You’re a True Washingtonian How Much of a Local Are You


Life in Washington is all about balancing rain, coffee, and the occasional sighting of Mount Rainier. Whether you’re navigating Seattle traffic or soaking up the great outdoors, being a Washingtonian means you’ve got a few quirks and habits that only make sense in the Evergreen State.

Let’s see how many of these 18 signs prove you’re a true Washingtonian!

You don’t carry an umbrella, even in the rain

If it’s raining, you just throw on a hoodie or jacket because real Washingtonians don’t use umbrellas. We’re built for drizzle.

You’ve had at least three arguments about the best coffee shop in town

Whether it’s a local roastery or Starbucks (because, duh, it’s from here), coffee is an essential part of life.

You’ve seen Mount Rainier and felt personally blessed

On a clear day, that mountain shows up like a gift from the heavens, and you never get tired of it.

You’ve been stuck behind a Subaru on the highway and didn’t even flinch

Subarus are practically the state car, and everyone’s driving one with a bike rack or a dog in the backseat.

You’ve gone hiking or camping on a “gray” day and called it perfect weather

If you waited for sunny skies, you’d never go outside.

You’ve been to Pike Place Market and watched someone throw a fish

It might be touristy, but you’ve still stood there watching in awe (or acting like you don’t care but secretly do).

You’ve been to a Mariners game, but you’re emotionally invested in the Seahawks

Mariners games are fun, but Seahawks football is practically a religion.

You’ve experienced every kind of traffic nightmare on I-5

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Whether it’s Seattle, Tacoma, or Olympia, I-5 is a test of patience, and you’ve passed with flying colors.

You have strong opinions about ferry lines

Whether you’re on Bainbridge Island, Whidbey, or the San Juans, you’ve got the ferry schedule memorized and know how to dodge the tourists.

You’ve worn flannel and not as a fashion statement

It’s cozy, it’s practical, and it’s perfect for everything from hiking to hanging out at a coffee shop.

You’ve told someone that Washington is not the same as D.C.

No, we’re not the capital of the United States, and yes, this confusion gets old.

You’ve driven to Canada just because it’s close

Vancouver is practically a stone’s throw away, and you’ve made the trip for a long weekend or just to grab Tim Hortons.

You know what a “sun break” is and celebrate every one

When the clouds part and the sun peeks out, it’s a miracle worth celebrating.

You’ve taken a selfie with the Space Needle at least once

Whether you live in Seattle or not, the Space Needle is iconic, and you’ve got the photo to prove it.

You’ve argued about which side of the state is better

Western Washington is all about the rain and the city, while Eastern Washington is dry and laid-back. You’ve taken a side.

You’ve been asked if you’ve seen Bigfoot

And while you haven’t, you’ve got a favorite hiking spot where maybe you’ll run into him one day.

You’ve spent a day at the Gorge and considered it a spiritual experience

Whether it’s for a concert or just the view, the Gorge is something special.

You’ve eaten geoduck and pretended it’s totally normal

It’s weird-looking, sure, but it’s a Washington delicacy, and you’re not backing down.

If these hit close to home, congratulations—you’re a true Washingtonian!

From sipping coffee to hiking through misty forests, you’ve embraced everything that makes life in Washington unique. So grab a flannel, head out for a rain-soaked adventure, and enjoy life in the Evergreen State!

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