Are You a True Wyomingite? 18 Signs That Show Your Wyoming Spirit

Are You a True Wyomingite 18 Signs That Show Your Wyoming Spirit


Wyoming is a state of rugged landscapes, cowboy culture, and wide-open spaces. Whether you’re dodging tourists in Yellowstone or counting the antelope on your morning drive, life in Wyoming is all about independence, nature, and a healthy respect for the wild.

Let’s see how many of these 18 signs show you’ve fully embraced life in the Cowboy State!

You’ve used the phrase “where the buffalo roam” literally

Because you’ve actually seen them roaming, probably on your way to work.

You measure distance in hours, not miles

It’s just part of life when your nearest neighbor is 10 miles away, and the next town over is a good two-hour drive.

You’ve experienced every kind of weather in a single day

It can go from sunny and warm to snowing in a matter of hours, and you’ve learned to roll with it.

You’ve driven through Yellowstone and know exactly where to avoid the tourists

You know the secret spots, and you’d rather not get stuck in “buffalo jam” traffic for the third time this week.

You’ve spotted at least five antelope on any given day

Whether you’re in town or out on the plains, antelope sightings are as common as seeing cows.

Are You a True Wyomingite 18 Signs That Show Your Wyoming Spirit

You’ve been to Frontier Days and acted like it’s no big deal

The “Daddy of ‘Em All” rodeo is a summer staple, and you’ve been there more times than you can count.

You know what a chinook is and look forward to it

When the warm winds blow through in the middle of winter, it’s a welcome break from the snow and cold.

You’ve worn cowboy boots for practical reasons, not just fashion

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Whether it’s for ranch work or everyday wear, your boots are made for more than just show.

You know the difference between a bison and a buffalo, and you’re ready to correct anyone who gets it wrong

Because Wyomingites are serious about their wildlife facts.

You’ve used the phrase “Windy as all get out” to describe a normal day

Wyoming winds don’t mess around, and you’ve mastered the art of dealing with them.

You’ve had to explain to someone that Wyoming is not just one big national park

Sure, Yellowstone and Grand Teton are amazing, but there’s a whole lot more to the state.

You know that grizzly bears are a real thing, not just something in nature documentaries

And you probably carry bear spray when you’re hiking, just in case.

You’ve seen more stars in the sky than you thought possible

With little light pollution, Wyoming nights offer stunning, endless views of the stars.

You’ve driven across open range and had to slow down for a wandering cow

Cows crossing the road? Just another day in Wyoming.

You’ve participated in a rodeo, or at least watched one from the stands

Rodeo is more than just a sport here, it’s a way of life.

You’ve had to make your own entertainment in a town with more wildlife than people

When the population is small, you get creative with how you spend your free time.

You know that “Wyoming time” means showing up whenever you feel like it

Things move a little slower here, and no one’s in a rush.

You’ve used a truck for something other than commuting

Whether it’s hauling hay or navigating the backroads, your truck works hard, just like you.

If these hit close to home, congratulations—you’re a true Wyomingite! From your love of wide-open spaces to your casual encounters with wildlife, you’ve embraced the rugged, independent spirit of the Cowboy State. So saddle up, enjoy the views, and keep living the good life in Wyoming!

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