Do Not Have Enough! 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Greed

Do Not Have Enough! 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Greed


Have you met or know someone who is always like “This is mine, mine, mine?” They are intensely selfish and want everything for themselves.

Astrology can explain their behavior. Some zodiac signs are innately greedy, always making everything a competition and wanting to own something.

These zodiac signs do not like to share what they have because they feel like they are losing some they own. They are borderline hoarders who never want to let anything go once they have it in their hands.

These signs always chase after things, whether wealth, food, power, or anything else because they feel they do not have enough.

3 Most Greedy Zodiac Signs

1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus’s desire for comfort and stability drives their greediness. Taureans are known for their love for material wealth and luxurious things. They love luxury items, gourmet meals, a huge savings account, and all the universe’s fine things. Their craving for security and stability forces them to seek more and more things that provide comfort.

Taurus wants to have it first when a new designer bag, shoe, or outfit hits the market. Their greediness does not stop at material things. They hoard emotional comfort. A Taurean loves deeply and wants to feel their love is secure by being obsessively possessive. They do not care about the emotions of other zodiac signs. If you are in a relationship with them, they behave like they possess you.

2. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Do Not Have Enough! 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Greed

Ariens are fiery and competitive. They do not want someone getting something before they do and are not big on delayed gratification. If they want something, they want it now. Ariens have an insatiable need for winnings, action, and power. They want to be leaders to satisfy their greed for power. Throw a challenge at them and they will want to win to prove themselves and even ask for more challenges.

Ariens crave recognition for their achievement and would do anything to achieve milestones to gain attention. They also love being in control so that things can be done their way. Ariens selfishly make decisions without consulting other zodiac signs in the room because they want their decisions to be final. They might also dominate conversations.

3. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If attention was something tangible, Leos would grab all of it and put it in a room protected with passwords. Leos loves being the center of attention. They do not obsess over money, wealth, or food, but attention. Leos thrive in the spotlight and if attention was something tangible, they would roll over it like a first-time millionaire rolls on money.

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Compliment Leos and they will want ten more compliments. They will find ways to earn more compliments as long as they remain in the spotlight. Leos are adamant about one thing, you cannot steal their thunder. Their greed to take all the attention leaves no room for other zodiac signs to shine.

Parting Thoughts

To these three zodiac signs, there is no good enough. They want more attention, things done their way, and security and comfort.

These drive them to seek things that satisfy their greed. Do you know someone greedy and why do you think they are greedy? What are their zodiac signs and would you say they are overly ambitious or just greedy?

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