Noticed! Are You a True Wisconsinite? 18 Tell-Tale Signs to Find Out!

Noticed! Are You a True Wisconsinite 18 Tell-Tale Signs to Find Out!


Wisconsin is all about cheese, cold weather, and an undying love for the Green Bay Packers. Whether you’re cracking open a beer at a tailgate or eating your weight in cheese curds, being a true Wisconsinite comes with its own set of unique habits.

Let’s see how many of these 18 signs prove you’re living the true Wisconsin life!

You think cheese is its own food group

From fresh cheese curds to sharp cheddar, you don’t just eat cheese—you respect it.

You’ve explained to an out-of-towner what a “bubbler” is

It’s not a drinking fountain; it’s a bubbler, and you’ve stopped correcting people who don’t get it.

You consider brats a necessary part of any meal

Whether it’s at a summer cookout or during a Packers game, a bratwurst is essential.

You’ve been to Lambeau Field in sub-zero temperatures and called it “football weather”

You’re bundled up, but nothing can keep you from watching the Packers, not even the freezing cold.

Noticed! Are You a True Wisconsinite 18 Tell-Tale Signs to Find Out!

You drink beer like it’s a civic duty

From Miller to New Glarus, you’ve got a favorite Wisconsin brew, and you’ve probably been to a brewery tour or two.

You know what a Friday Fish Fry is and you never miss one

Beer-battered fish, coleslaw, and a side of rye bread? It’s a Wisconsin tradition.

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You’ve waited in line for fresh cheese curds and made them squeak

If they don’t squeak, they’re not fresh, and you’re not interested.

You’re on a first-name basis with your local bartender

In Wisconsin, the bar is practically a community center, and you’ve spent many hours supporting “the local.”

You’ve tailgated at a Packers or Badgers game like it’s your job

No matter the temperature, the grill is fired up, and there’s always beer on hand.

You measure distance in time, not miles

“It’s about an hour away” makes much more sense than giving anyone actual mileage.

You know summer means mosquitoes and humidity, but it’s still your favorite season

You’ve got the mosquito bites to prove it, but nothing beats a Wisconsin summer on the lake.

You know there’s no such thing as too cold for ice fishing

If the lake’s frozen, you’re drilling a hole and setting up the ice shanty.

You’ve eaten at least one meal that involved venison

Whether you hunt or not, you’ve had venison burgers, sausages, or jerky, and you loved it.

You’ve referred to your soda as “pop”

It’s not soda, and you’ve explained this to plenty of confused visitors.

You’ve been to a Supper Club and had an Old Fashioned

Whether it’s sweet or sour, a Wisconsin Supper Club just feels like home.

You’ve cheered for the Packers and booed the Bears in the same breath

The Packers-Bears rivalry runs deep, and you’re ready to argue with any Chicago fan that dares to cross your path.

You’ve attended a county fair and eaten something deep-fried

Deep-fried cheese, deep-fried Oreos, deep-fried anything—it’s a must.

You think winter starts in October and ends in May

Snow and freezing temps are just part of life, and you’ve learned to embrace the layers.

If you’re nodding along to these, congratulations—you’re a true Wisconsinite! From your love of brats and cheese to your undying loyalty to the Packers, you’ve embraced everything that makes life in the Badger State fun, delicious, and just a little bit chilly.

So grab a beer, put on some flannel, and enjoy all that Wisconsin has to offer!

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