Skywatchers Alert: A Momentary Second Moon Will Soon Appear!

Skywatchers Alert A Momentary Second Moon Will Soon Appear!


Two moons will soon orbit the Earth. However, its duration is limited. This “moon” is an asteroid thought to be part of the Arjuna constellation, according to a new study published in the AAS journal Research Notes.

In a paper published in the Royal Astronomical Society’s September 2013 edition, the same researchers defined Arjuna asteroids as “minor bodies moving in orbits with low eccentricity, low inclination, and Earth-like period.”

Could this be the very first mini-moon?

Actually, close approaches to Earth by Near-Earth Objects have occurred before. The truth is that “mini moon” phenomena happen frequently. Scholars clarify that:

Small, low-velocity objects in the near Earth region that are following horseshoe courses are getting close to Earth.

Skywatchers Alert A Momentary Second Moon Will Soon Appear!

During mini-moon events, these objects’ geocentric energy could become negative for a few hours, days, or even months.

They are unable to complete a single full circle of the Earth when confined during these events.

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This month’s AAS journal article delves further into the topic, explaining that mini-moons happen when NEOs momentarily get tethered to Earth by gravity. But these occurrences are short-lived, and they usually don’t lead to a full orbit of the planet.

Thus, maintain vigilance above the sky! An exciting window into the ever-changing interplay between our planet and the universe will open up with the arrival of PT5 in 2024.

The intriguing phenomenon of temporally captured flybys is something you may have never considered before. Let’s explore this fascinating topic with an example from the real world.

A Brief Mini-Moon in the Case of NX1 in 2022

The Near-Earth Object (NEO) 2022 NX1 is a perfect example of a captured flyby. This fascinating dwarf moon briefly passed Earth’s orbit in 1981 and again in 2022.

Window shoppers in space: a concept explanation

Professor Carlos de la Fuente Marcos of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid gave a lovely explanation to help break down the concept. Objects like 2024 PT5 are more akin to window shoppers, he said, whereas actual objects orbiting Earth are more like customers making purchases.

When Do Mini Moons Occur?

While brief mini moon events do happen occasionally, reports that extended capture episodes are extremely unusual. About every ten to twenty years, there will be one of these long occurrences.

Gravitational Disturbances and Their Functions

Solar gravitational disturbances are the main culprits in the ejection of objects such as 2024 PT5. Upon finishing its semi-orbit around Earth, 2024 PT5 will return to its regular sun-centered orbit.

Difficulty with Visibility for Astronomers

As unfortunate as it may be for amateur astronomers wishing to see this small moon, Professor Marcos has some disappointing news. Neither the human eye nor even standard binoculars are capable of capturing these tiny objects.

In conclusion, the intriguing phenomena of transiently captured flybys provides a window into the dynamic interactions of NEOs with Earth’s gravitational field. However, you’ll need more than binoculars to detect these tiny moons; you’ll also need a better grasp of our cosmic surroundings.

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