Misplaced and Attacked: Woman Faces Violent Assault After Wrong Uber Drop-Off

Misplaced and Attacked Woman Faces Violent Assault After Wrong Uber Drop-Off


‘I Thought I Was Going to Die’: U.S. woman brutally beaten after being dropped off at the wrong location by her Uber driver

After an Uber driver in Michigan accidentally dropped off a woman at the wrong spot, a man riding a bicycle attacked her shortly after.

According to a GoFundMe page that 27-year-old Morgan Catton created, her Uber driver abandoned her “a block or two” from the exact place at approximately 10 p.m. on September 13 while she was her route to meet a friend.

According to Catton, she chose to continue walking when she saw a man riding a bike close behind.

According to Catton’s GoFundMe page, “He gets off his bike, grabs me by my neck and throws me to the ground where he repeatedly punched me in the face.” “No information was divulged.

Misplaced and Attacked Woman Faces Violent Assault After Wrong Uber Drop-Off

After he got up and bolted, I retrieved my phone and began to sprint to the spot where an ambulance came to get me. My left eye, along with the insides of my mouth and lips, required stitches, so I spent the night in the hospital.

Catton recalls the attack as having taken “maybe 20 seconds” and describes how it “completely altered and affected” her life.

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As a result of the incident, Catton claims she has skipped work to attend medical visits and has been paying for her medical expenses. She raised more than $10,000 with the help of the GoFundMe page she set up to cover her medical bills.

When asked by WXYZ-TV Detroit about her thoughts during that time, Catton said, “I thought I was going to die.”

Fortunately, Catton was able to escape the incident unharmed. No one has been able to identify or locate the individual as of yet.

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