Upcoming Rules? Low-Income Married Couples: $1,415 SSI Maximum Payment Available Soon!

Upcoming Rules Low-Income Married Couples $1,415 SSI Maximum Payment Available Soon!


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are coming for about 7.5 million Americans. Many of them are eligible married couples who live in the United States and qualify for this money from the Federal Government.

Married couples receive more money than individuals, up to $1,415. However, an individual receives more money per person since its payment can be up to $943. While $1,415 divided by 2 is just $707,50 per person.

SSI payment on October 1 for individuals and married couples

The Social Security Administration has scheduled the next Supplemental Security Income payment for October 1, 2024. This will be the only payday for all beneficiaries.

However, if you do not receive your money on time it may be since your bank may not have had enough time to process all the payments on time.

Upcoming Rules Low-Income Married Couples $1,415 SSI Maximum Payment Available Soon!

That is why it is advisable to wait for 3 mailing days before you contact Social Security if your SSI payment is delayed. Nevertheless, it will be on time in most cases and delays are not expected.

Which couples can receive $1,415 from SSI?

Some couples may get less than $1,415 if they have other earnings, benefits, or money on hand. If you do not get any reduction, then, you qualify for the full amount for SSI, $1,415.

Social Security’s Decision: No SSI Payments Until October 2024—Are You Affected?

Bear in mind that after September 30, 2024, there will be some changes to the Supplemental Security Income payment rules. This may increase the amount of your benefits. Some Supplemental Security Income recipients got reductions when they got food regularly from family, friends, or the local community.

Now, in-kind support will disappear, so recipients may get more money as a result. The good thing is that this is not the only rule. So, there can be other rules that allow more Americans to receive money from the Federal Government.

  • individuals can get up to $943
  • essential persons up to $472
  • married couples up to $1,415

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