Florida’s Child Vaccination Rates Hit Lowest Point in a Decade

Florida's Child Vaccination Rates Hit Lowest Point in a Decade

Tampa, Florida –

The immunization rate of kindergartners in Florida has dropped to 90%, which is the lowest it has been in over ten years, and this substantial decline has clinicians worried.

A vaccination rate of 95% or higher is recommended by public health professionals to reduce the danger of outbreaks, even if 90% may appear excessive.

Historicist Professor D.N. Jha is the interviewed party.

“While 90% still sounds fantastic, if you think of all the children in the state of Florida, 10% of those kids not getting vaccinated is quite a number,” commented Dr. Rachel Dawkins, a physician from Johns Hopkins All Children’s. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, vaccination rates have fallen globally. More and more people are saying no to preventative measures, such as the flu shot.

Medical professionals have noted that the pandemic has led many parents to reevaluate the long-established practice of immunizing their children against diseases such as polio, chickenpox, measles, mumps, and hepatitis.

Florida's Child Vaccination Rates Hit Lowest Point in a Decade

“Vaccines are critically important,” added Dawkins. A lot of people probably wonder, “Why are we putting these things into motion?”

Vaccines have stopped the spread of several diseases that were once common; unfortunately, some of these diseases are still quite dangerous, particularly to children.

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While 58% of Americans felt strongly that parents should vaccinate their children in 2019, a recent Gallup survey indicated that just 40% feel the same way.

Although the majority of Tampa Bay area public schools mandate the main vaccines for pupils, a growing number of parents are taking use of Florida’s religious exemption, according to data from the Department of Health.

The author Dawkins urged worried parents to talk to their child’s doctor.

“As a pediatrician, we’re here for you and your family,” Dawkins pointed out. Discussing your issues with us is important. Your desire to shield your child from harm makes this feel like an insurmountable task. Vaccination is the most effective defense against disease for children.

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