TSA Official in Maryland Shares Emotional Connection to 9/11 Attacks

TSA Official in Maryland Shares Emotional Connection to 911 Attacks


An official from the Maryland Transportation Security Administration recalled being in New York City, close to the base of the North Tower at the World Trade Center complex, when the first plane struck on September 11, 2001, as Americans reflect on the event throughout the next week.

What happened was that the plane flew straight over Tom Battillo and into the north building, he added.

There was going to be a meeting at the top of that building including Battillo, who was employed on Wall Street at the time. He opted to remain outdoors and converse with his son, who had unexpectedly contacted him.

Those of his coworkers who entered the building did not make it out alive.

TSA Official in Maryland Shares Emotional Connection to 911 Attacks

Because they went upstairs, “good friends of ours didn’t make it,” Battillo added. Many memorial services passed without providing any resolution for us. Overcoming what is sometimes referred to as “survivor’s guilt” is a lengthy process.

For “days, weeks, and months after that we were just trying to get ourselves back together,” he continued.

The terrorist assaults of September 11th were 23 years ago this Wednesday.

Planes hijackers brought down over three thousand people when they struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.


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Things might be challenging at this time of year, according to Battillo. “It simply resurrects the whole thing.”

The noises made by those who were leaping stick with you. According to him, it is still audible. “The aroma of burning jet fuel is still detectable.”

In his new role at BWI Marshall Airport, Battillo provides mission support as an assistant director for federal security within the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), an organization established in the wake of 9/11.

For Battillo, the work itself is meaningful and gives her a sense of closure, particularly when the anniversary rolls around.

Working with the folks that show up every day to support the objective has been really therapeutic, he added.

On Battillo’s arm is a tattoo that reads “Never Forget.” It depicts the World Trade Center buildings encircled by an American flag.

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