Update! Florida Homeowner Associations Face Stricter Regulations Under New Law

Update! Florida Homeowner Associations Face Stricter Regulations Under New Law


A new law in Florida, which went into force on July 1, seeks to rein in HOAs and require them to be more open and accountable, despite the many benefits that HOAs may provide to communities.

Antonella Puntillo, a resident of Babcock Ranch, stated, “It’s got its good points, and it’s got its weak points.”

The upcoming board meeting and any topics up for vote must be announced in detail by HOAs according House Bill 1203.

Additionally, it mandates that HOAs notify its members with more thorough financial reports and caps the number of consecutive years a board member can serve.

“You got to have people on that end, following through with their part and not being ridiculous about it,” Babcock Ranch homeowner David Schmid said.

Update! Florida Homeowner Associations Face Stricter Regulations Under New Law

According to Schmid, his previous HOA scolded him for a couple of hours when he left his trash cans out before he moved to Babcock Ranch.


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It would be different if it was days or weeks, but even a few hours is noticeable. “That’s ridiculous,” Schmid remarked.

Furthermore, homeowners’ associations are prohibited from fining residents who do not place their trash cans out at least twenty-four hours before to or after the scheduled collection period under House Bill 1203.

Furthermore, it forbids the imposition of restrictions on the parking of pickup trucks in private driveways.

Puntillo explained to WINK News why she opted to reside in a subdivision with a homeowners association.

The goal, according to Puntillo, should be for the neighborhood to “look beautiful” rather than constantly have trash cans outside.

She supports increased responsibility but believes that some leeway on issues like trash won’t hurt anybody.

“Why be so rigid? I don’t mind if it’s out for a little while. According to Puntillo, “there’s a little bit of an issue” if it’s out for two days.

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